
Mental Health Overview

Some of the common psychiatric problems that occur in the elderly are depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders, and addictions, as well as combinations of these disorders. In many instances, these disorders are not treated as aggressively or addressed seriously in the elderly. There is a often a misconception that they are normal part of aging.

There are certainly many changes, stressors and losses associated with aging. Sometimes these changes can make it more challenging to identify when a more serious illness is present.

People that suffer from mental illness and addictions have been given a lower priority status in our current health care system. These disorders tend to be under reported by families because of the stigma associated with them, or for cultural reasons, and under diagnosed by professionals who may lack the training to identify treatable illnesses among their older patients.

Robbie’s Place combines the amenities of assisted living with professional care aimed at addressing the needs of this special population. The residents each live in private rooms with their own bath and most of what they need is provided right on the unit. More importantly it is the highly qualified staff working with the residents that help them reach their maximum level of wellness, allowing this model to work.

Robbie’s Place Assisted Living | Contact Information

Phone Number

(508) 573-1200


400 Hemenway Street
Marlborough, MA 01752